Case studies - PolarSeal®'s converting success

Creating solutions for complex and simple converting projects

Providing total confidence and peace of mind.

PolarSeal® demonstrates a commitment to providing solutions for all our customer converting challenges. We apply knowledge, passion, and in-house capabilities to generate Adhesive Tape Converting solutions to all problems.

technical polarseal

Case Study for Surgical Films

Introduction The function and ease of surgical film application is paramount when dealing with critical care. PolarSeal uses R&D experience to design, develop and manufacture …

Case Study in electro-medical success

Introduction With the electro-medical market advancing rapidly, PolarSeal were approached by a customer to develop an innovative circuit board integration that required the integration of ...
Advanced Wound Care

A Bespoke Solution For A Global Medical Device Manufacturer For An Advanced Wound Care Dressing.

Introduction With the wound care market growing and predicted to continue to expand over the next few years, global medical device manufacturers contact PolarSeal to ...
Wearable Technology

An Adhesive Solution For A Wearable Medical Device Patch

Introduction PolarSeal can develop and provide the adhesive tape and material needed to manufacture wearable medical devices, delivering high quality and innovative stick-to-skin solutions. We ...

The challenge of PPE (Personal Protective Equipment)

Introduction As an adhesive tape’s converter and component manufacturer, we provide solutions and with our diverse range of capabilities. We were able to help a ...

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