What is CBD and Why is it Trending in Healthcare?

CBD and Why is it Trending in Healthcare

Even before the last two years of COVID-19 honing our focus on healthcare products, there was a popular fascination with ‘alternative’ medicine and wound healing products. We wanted to explore one in particular: of all the touted wonder-products over the past few years, the most well-known (and potentially most notorious) is CBD. So, what is it? And what can it actually do for you?

CBD is, in essence, a chemical called cannabidiol. It is one of the active ingredients in marijuana/ cannabis and is derived from the hemp plant. Differentiating itself from cannabis’ other main ingredient, THC (tetrahydrocannabinol), CBD doesn’t produce the goofy, giggly, high sensation that cannabis is popularly known for.

Instead, CBD is more of a relaxant – many people use it on its own (without THC) to treat anxiety, insomnia, or even epilepsy – and there is proof of its therapeutic effectiveness. CBD, while it is usually used consumed as an edible oil or gummy, has started entering the world of biomedical products. CBD has now been manufactured in patches, creams, balms, and topical ointments. This is due to CBD being an effective form of pain or irritation relief, specifically when applied directly to the affected area.

In that same vein, CBD is making waves elsewhere as studies have shown that CBD may help speed up wound healing. The implications of speedier wound-healing are manifold – not only can this be helpful for wound care product manufacturers, but the ubiquity of CBD in topical form could also mean wonders for small cuts, scrapes, bruises, or even body modifications like tattoo artistry or ear piercing.

And while you might believe that CBD’s ability to treat insomnia, epilepsy, anxiety, depression, wound healing, and pain relief would be enough, it has also been shown to decrease inflammation. Chronic inflammation like arthritis, nerve pain, or jaw pain can all be addressed effectively by a transdermal CBD cream. While the studies into the full effects of what CBD can offer the body in terms of health and treatment are still in the early stages, there is no denying the efficacy CBD has on the above-mentioned ailments.

CBD may be the most popular new wound care product on the market – and as such, having a manufacturing partner who has experience with active ingredients is important when you want to get your CBD product out there. PolarSeal has years of die-cutting and consumer healthcare experience, as well as a familiarity with the impregnating active ingredients like Manuka honey and aloe vera.

The use of CBD in medical manufacturing is a burgeoning industry in the realm of consumer healthcare, and there is an opportunity to capitalise on this trend. Partnering with an advanced wound care manufacturer who not only understands the opportunity but who can also keep up with the trend is going to be your key to unlocking success. If you are interested in what services PolarSeal can offer you, don’t hesitate to contact us today!